Woman Found Bunch Of Little Bugs In Food Delivery From Shi Li Fang, No Response From Restaurant


A woman is Singapore is horrified after finding more than ten little bugs in food that she delivered from a Hot Pot restaurant.

In a now deleted Facebook post the woman wrote “I was going to let it slide when i saw 1 bug. But after scrutiny, i found another 10+”.

The woman ordered mala soup from hotpot chain Shi Li Fang Hotpot.

“It’s extremely unhygienic and could cause serious health issues”, the woman wrote by sharing pictures of little bugs found in food.

The woman further said that there was no response from the restaurant even after 24 hours.

She wrote,

I’d contemplated about posting this, but even after 24 hours, still no response from SLF. not trying to create drama – just want to create awareness about their cleanliness.

I was going to let it slide when i saw 1 bug, but after scrutiny, i found another 10+.

Source : Facebook

It’s extremely unhygienic & could cause serious health issues – lucky for me, it was stomachache & runs.

If a child/ elder consumed it, it could’ve been worse. Please review & make sure this does not happen again.

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