SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) found a cat with serious deep cut on its neck caused by a rubber band at a multi-storey car park in Tampines.
SPCA is an Non-profit animal welfare organization which took to Instagram to alert animal lovers about the incident. They wrote that cat was found in a carpark in Tampines with deep “strangling wounds” on its neck caused by a rubber band and they are unsure about how it happened.
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Terrible right? :(
Very Risky : SPCA warned animal lovers that these Rubber bands, hair bands, hair ties, strings can cause cuts in skins of animals if its too tight and these objects can increase the risk of infections in the wounds. The objects can cause more pain and discomfort, or even lead to death.
As mentioned on SPCA Instagram profile poor kitty is now out of danger & found its forever home. You can read their full post below.

Kitty is out of danger & found its home :
After removing the rubber band from its neck, surgery was also done to remove infected body tissues and the wound was stitched up to promote healing.