Man Arrested For Allegedly Breaking Into Mosque & Stealing Money From 14 Donation Boxes


A man has been arrested for breaking into a mosque in Bukit Batok East on Tuesday, November 1, 2023.

The incident occurred at 9:10 am at the Masjid Ar-Raudhah mosque.

The suspect, 39 years old, was apprehended by officers from Jurong Police Division after they identified him through police camera images and further investigations. He is accused of breaking into a mosque and stealing cash from donation boxes.

A total of 14 donation boxes were vandalized and money was allegedly stolen.

The case was filed on Thursday, November 7, 2023, and the suspect faces up to ten years in prison and a fine if convicted.

The police reminded the public to keep doors, windows, and other openings secure with strong grilles and close-shackled padlocks while leaving their homes unattended.

Additionally, they should refrain from keeping large amounts of cash or valuables on their premises. It is also recommended to install a burglar alarm, motion sensor light, or closed-circuit television cameras to cover access points into your property.

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