In a heartbreaking incident, a 34-year-old woman and her three-week-old infant were discovered lifeless at the foot of a Housing Board block in Ghim Moh on December 3.
The authorities were alerted to the incident at approximately 11.15am and rushed to the scene. Singapore Civil Defence Force paramedics confirmed their deaths shortly after.
Lianhe Zaobao identified the victims as a mother and her son. Witnesses reported the devastating sight of the two bodies, prompting one passerby named Mr Chen to alert the police.
Upon arrival, officers set up two blue tents and were seen conducting investigations.
Distraught family members, covering their faces and shedding tears, were also present nearby. Although the police have not uncovered any evidence of foul play at this stage, they are actively pursuing their investigations. This distressing occurrence marks the second incident involving a double fatality within a month.
Previously, a 33-year-old woman and her one-year-old infant were found dead at the foot of a block of Housing Board flats in Eunos on a Sunday afternoon on Nov 5.
According to Straits Times, the police were notified of the fall at Block 35 Eunos Crescent at around 12:40 pm. Similarly, they were discovered motionless and were pronounced dead at the scene. It is believed that the deceased were a mother and her daughter, as reported by Lianhe Zaobao.
A witness revealed that he witnessed two individuals falling from the building after hearing a loud noise when he exited his apartment. The child was found wearing a diaper.
At the scene, two blue tents were seen by Zaobao reporters. As part of their ongoing investigation, the police visited a unit on the fourth floor where the pair resided.
Based on initial findings, foul play is not suspected.
A neighbor named Madam Chew, a housewife residing on the same floor, mentioned that the family moved in around a year ago. She stated, “Sometimes when we saw each other in the lift lobby, we would exchange greetings. But she largely kept to herself. It’s such a shame; her baby was so cute. She had just started growing her baby teeth.”
Neighbors revealed that the woman could often be seen strolling around the estate while pushing her baby in a pram.
Ms. Linda, a neighbor from the opposite block, shared, “It was always just her and the baby in the pram. Sometimes, she would be trying to put her kid to sleep.”
Singapore has witnessed similar heartbreaking incidents in the past. In 2011, a woman and her three-year-old son were discovered dead in Bedok Reservoir. The bodies of Madam Tan Sze Sze, 31, and her son Jerald Chin Le Hui were found floating face down after they had been reported missing for two days. Madam Tan was reportedly battling depression and embroiled in a custody dispute with her estranged husband over their child.
Additionally, in 2004, a mother and her two daughters were found deceased at the foot of Block 53 Chin Swee Road. Madam Yap Cheng Chui, a 34-year-old housewife suffering from cancer, was believed to be depressed. She used red strings to bind her wrists to her daughters, Kathleen, three, and Calista, two, before they all tragically jumped to their deaths.
Images from Lianhe Zaobao
- Institute of Mental Health’s Mental Health Helpline: 6389-2222 (24 hours)
- Samaritans of Singapore: 1800-221-4444 (24 hours) /1-767 (24 hours)
- Singapore Association for Mental Health: 1800-283-7019
- Silver Ribbon Singapore: 6386-1928
- Tinkle Friend: 1800-274-4788
- Chat, Centre of Excellence for Youth Mental Health: 6493-6500/1
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