In a devastating incident that occurred on Saturday, a 17-year-old boy tragically lost his life after a fire engulfed a Housing Board flat in Yishun.
The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) received an alert about the fire at 8.55pm on Saturday. Upon arrival at Block 783 Yishun Ring Road, firefighters encountered a fierce blaze raging inside the 12th-floor unit. The firefighter forcefully entered the smoke-filled flat, where they discovered the teenager unconscious.
According to SCDF’s Facebook post, “During the firefighting operation, SCDF found an unconscious person in the unit. The person was carried out of the unit by firefighters and brought to the ground floor”.
“SCDF’s emergency medical services personnel commenced Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and conveyed the person to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital”.
The SCDF swiftly carried the boy out of the unit and transported him to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, but despite their efforts, he succumbed to his injuries and tragically passed away on Sunday, Straits Time reported.
The exact cause of the fire and the circumstances leading to the boy’s unconscious state are currently under investigation by the authorities.
The fire, which primarily affected the contents of a bedroom, was ultimately extinguished by the SCDF using a water jet. In the process, approximately 50 residents from neighboring units were evacuated for their safety.
According to the annual statistics report released by the SCDF in February, the number of fire-related deaths in Singapore increased from four in 2021 to six in 2022. One tragic incident occurred in May in Bedok North, where three individuals, including a three-year-old girl and her father, lost their lives in a fire.
However, there was a decrease in the number of fire-related injuries during the same period, with the figure dropping from 193 in 2021 to 171 in 2022.
In March 2023, a 98-year-old man sadly passed away two days after a fire broke out in his flat in Pasir Ris. The man’s daughter revealed to Shin Min Daily News that he suffered first-degree burns and required the assistance of a ventilator while being treated in the intensive care unit.
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