[Anti BTS Wave In Bangladesh] : Army Member Tweets About Getting Rape Threats, Turns Out To Be Fake


Despite being the world’s most popular Boy band K-POP’s BTS has many haters around the world. Here’s a detailed information of what’s happening in Bangladesh against BTS fans.

Recently, a young BTS army member from Bangladesh alleged that she was returning from her classes and a man threatened to sexually assault her if she refuses to throw her backpack which has pictures of BTS Superstars on it. She further claimed that the man squeezed her hand very hard.

In a series of tweets she explained what exactly happened.


Few hours later she tweeted that the culprits have been arrested.


#Endviolence was trending hours after all her tweets went viral.


Here’s what happened after tweet went viral on social media, every BTS fan believed her because getting rape threats for supporting a Music Band is unacceptable and its a serious matter. But the tweet and the whole story is turned out to be FAKE, yes! you heard it right.

EXPOSED : The BTS fan posted fake pictures of police arresting culprits, these screenshots were taken from a Bangladesh’s famous investigative tv show which was started in December, 2011.

She posted “fake proof” to claim that she was threatened and sexually assaulted and exposed by BTS fans. Many fans expressed their anger by calling her “Clout chaser” on twitter.

Real VS Fake :

[In left] : The Bangladesh’s TV show Talaash episode 198 uploaded on YouTube 10 months ago and on the right side BTS fan’s tweet where she claimed that as proof of assault happened to her for wearing BTS merch. She was exposed by BTS army itself on twitter as soon as she was exposed her twitter account disappeared.


Looks like she deactivated her twitter account after creating so much panic.


BTS Fans Responded:


Do you know why many BTS fan’s believed her and her tweets in the first place? because there are many cases of Bangladeshi men scolding BTS fans on roads, mocking them online on social media platforms. In a video group of men literally made a banner saying “BTS IS GAY”.

What’s happening with Bangladeshi ARMYs is really intolerable. Hope the concerned authorities in Bangladesh take necessary actions to stop violence on innocents.

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