Viral Footage Of Accident Happened In Front Of Parliament House


The picture of more than fifteen people helping to lift a car off the road was viral on social media, the accident between two cars happened at the junction of North Bridge Road and Parliament Place.

According to mothership accident happened at around 8:15 am and Five people were taken to Singapore General Hospital.

The video uploaded by Facebook page shows the Blue Honda getting T-boned by Black BMW in full force & Blue Honda overturns on the spot.

Woman present inside car opposite to the accident spot starts screaming in panic and calls ambulance immediately, few people present at the scene rush to help.

As seen in the viral picture more than fifteen people were at the spot helping to lift the car and some of them were seen helping the injured including police.


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Five people were injured and all of them were in conscious state when they were taken to hospital. Two male drivers are aged 59 and 51. Three passengers aged between 28 and 61.

We wish all five of them the speedy recovery and to each and everyone who were helpful and co-operative at the scene.

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