In a heartbreaking incident a two-year old Malaysian boy died on Tuesday afternoon after falling from a baby chair at a restaurant in Taman Sutera, Johor Bahru.
According to the statement released by Johor Bahru North’s deputy officer in charge of the police district Superintendent Fariz Ammar Abdullah “The incident caused the deceased to cry loudly and lose consciousness & it was witnessed by restaurant staff”.
“Police investigations at the scene on Oct 4 revealed that at around 2pm, the deceased’s parents brought him to the restaurant and put him on the baby chair”, he added.
At around 3pm, while eating, the boy acted in a manner outside the control (of his parents) by pushing against the table with his feet, causing the baby chair he was on to fall and he hit his head against the floor.”
“The incident caused the deceased to cry loudly and lose consciousness. The incident was witnessed by restaurant staff,” Mr Fariz Ammar added.
The father then brought the toddler to a private clinic, where he was advised by the clinic physician to take the child to the hospital “as his condition appeared serious”, he added
“The deceased’s father then brought him to a private hospital in Iskandar Puteri where he was pronounced dead by medical officers on duty.”
He added that there was no criminal element in the incident, but an investigation under a sudden death report was ongoing.
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