Smoke In Train At Kembangan MRT Station Due To Leaking Air-Conditioning Compressor, Video Viral


In a viral Tiktok video, a group of commuters were seen looking towards the end of a carriage where some sort of smoke was coming out & one SMRT staff was seen guiding commuters to disembark from the train.

After the video went viral of various social media platforms, SMRT responded to the media queries and apologised for affecting the journey of commuters.

In response to queries from Yahoo News , President of SMRT Trains Lam Sheau Kai said station staff guided commuters to disembark at the station and board the next train as a safety precaution.

“Our staff did not receive any reports of commuters who needed medical attention,” Lam said.

The affected train was withdrawn from service to undergo checks.

“We have confirmed that the smoke emission was due to a leaking air-conditioning compressor that released Freon gas. We apologise for affecting your journey,” the president told Yahoo News.

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