Sylvia Chan Apologises For The Second Time, Says She Needs “Time & Space” To Settle This Privately

Singapore Influencer Xiaxue has released a 2 hour long video on her YouTube channel, where Sylvia Chan (Co-founder of Night Owl cinematics) shares her side of the story. In this interview Xiaxue asked various questions related to the ongoing controversy, about the leaked chats, relationship with Ryan, Ownership of NOC, allegations about work culture at NOC. Sylvia answered her questions with a detailed explanation on what went wrong, reason behind their divorce & her role at NOC, allegations against her etc. You can watch the full interview here.

Xiaxue interview with NOC’s Co-founder Sylvia Chan

Sylvia Apologies For The Second Time :

Sylvia shared another public apology on her personal Instagram page, a day after her interview with Xiaxue made rounds on social media. She wrote “I am truly sorry for all the wrongs u have done, and the mistakes I have made”. Sylvia also shared that she’s fully co-operating with Ministry Of Manpower (MOM), TAFEP, CMPU.

Read Her Full Statement Here :

Screenshot from Sylvia’s Instagram Profile

Instantly, Instagram account that exposed chats, audios, toxic work culture at NOC said they will not comment further as Sylvia took accountability for what she has done.

screenshot from @sgcickenrice Instagram Profile

After hearing Sylvia’s side of the story many netizens came in support of her, said they have misjudged her. They also thanked her for taking accountability for her wrong doings & asked her to take a break and come back recharged.

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