The Name List Of Primary and Secondary Schools Which Are Merging Between 2022 and 2025 Released By MOE


The names of primary schools and secondary schools to be merged between 2022-2025 have been finalised by the Ministry of Education on Wednesday (April 6).

In a press release, MOE said that In 2021, the Ministry of Education (MOE) announced that four pairs of primary schools and five pairs of secondary schools would be merged between 2022 and 2025.

Pioneer Primary School and Juying Primary School were merged in the beginning of the school year in 2022, while the remaining schools will be merged between 2023 and 2025.


MOE said it worked closely with all the schools in the naming of the merged schools.

“A range of factors were considered in naming of schools, which includes the schools’ history and heritage, enrolment, final site of the merged schools, as well as stakeholders’ interests and the sentiments of the schools involved”.

The merged schools will encompass the identities, strengths and cherished distinctiveness of both merging schools. The history and heritage of both schools will be documented in a dedicated space in the merged school, the ministry said in a press release.

MOE will continue to work closely with the schools to ensure a smooth transition for all students and staff, and in the process, forge a strong identity for the merged schools, it added.

List merged primary and secondary schools below.

Source : MOE


The merging of schools is done in response to falling birth rates and changing demographics in our housing estates, so as to ensure that each school has an adequate number of students for a vibrant learning experience with a good range of educational programmes and co-curricular activities (CCAs), Ministry said in press release.

Images : MOE/fb

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