Vietnamese Woman Found Dead In Singapore River After Only One Week in The Country


The body of a 33-year-old Vietnamese woman, identified as Dang Hoang Ly Na, was found floating in the Singapore River near Clarke Quay on Apr. 26, 2024.

The woman had only been in Singapore for less than a week before her tragic death, according to the report.

According to reports from Shin Min Daily News, Dang was a single mother from a small village in Vietnam, leaving behind an 11-year-old daughter.

Dang had come to Singapore to work at a night entertainment outlet to support her family back home, despite struggling with lung problems.

Despite grappling with respiratory issues, Dang Hoang made the tough decision to leave her husband and migrate to Singapore to work in the nightlife sector in order to provide for her family. She is the sole daughter of aging parents in their seventies and is also a mother to an 11-year-old girl.

According to a report from Lianhe Zaobao, on the afternoon of last Friday, 26 April, a number of police vehicles and an SCDF vehicle were spotted parked along River Valley Road beside the Singapore River.


The police ruled out foul play in her death, but investigations are still ongoing.

Mr Roland Tay, helped with the funeral arrangements for Dang Hoang.

Mr Tay, an undertaker who helped arrange for her body to be sent back to Vietnam, offered his services for free after learning about her circumstances. He feels a duty to do so, regardless of the family’s ability to pay him. A family member arrived in Singapore to collect the body and handle other formalities

Tay’s gesture of arranging for Dang’s body to be sent home for her daughter to see her one last time highlights the compassion and kindness within the community, even in the face of tragedy.

Image via Lianhe Zaobao

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