BF Angry On GF Because She Never Picks His Call, Texts Him Only When Needed


When you are in a relationship it needs equal efforts from both sides. If in case you are a responsible grown man or a woman & you are in a serious relationship with someone you should always try to balance your love life & work life equally by giving equal importance to both. When you fail to do it, misunderstandings arrive.

NUSWhispers, one of the Singapore’s confession platform which posts anonymous confessions from its readers on Facebook. Recently there was a confession from a guy who shared his disappointment towards his girlfriend. He said he is dating someone since 4 months and she finds “phone calls annoying” and she only texts him when she needs him plus she doesn’t reply when he needs her.

The guy wrote :

Source : NUSWhispers

Pretty One Sided Right? :

Source : NUSWhispers

Some of the readers shared their views on his story, most of them advised him that its a red flag and he should leave her and move on. We have listed few of them, you can read below.

Reader 1 : It’s not the phone call she is rejecting it’s the person who is calling, so better move away from her.

Reader 2 : Leave her, because she is just using you as a time filler.

Reader 3 : Call is always better than text, especially if u want to communicate on a sudden change of plan.

Reader 4 : It’s pretty clear that she isn’t into you and you are wasting your time hoping her to reciprocate. Better leave and move on.

Images : NUSWhispers/Fb

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