On Friday, a 39-year-old man who was accused of torturing his son by placing a heated spoon on his buttock was charged in court. The was also accused of kicking his daughter & beating son & daughter with belt.
According to CNA, the man was handed three charges under the Children and Young Persons Act.
“He is accused of ill-treating his son, who was seven then, by placing a heated spoon at his buttock area on an unknown date in 2016. This caused the boy unnecessary pain and injury, the charge sheet stated”. The father is also charged with beating his son around the right arm with a belt, CNA reported
Reportedly, this happened in July 2022, when the boy was 13 years old.
The man allegedly kicked his 14-year-old daughter in the shoulder area in June 2022. The court document stated that this also caused the teen unnecessary physical pain and injury.
All the reported abuse took place in a same place, acc to the report.
The man was offered bail of S$15,000 and will return to court next month.
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